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Q: How animals distinguished from the groups as to their reaction stimuli?
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How animals distinguished from the other groups as to their reaction to stimuli?


Who first recognized that species were groups of organisms that were distinguished from other such groups by their ability to reproduce?

John Ray

Who first recognized that species were groups of organisms that were distinguished from other groups by their ability to reproduce?

John Ray

How are the three major groups of fishes distinguished?

by there behavior and the way they look

How do humans train bodies for a certain stimuli?

Receptors are groups of specialised cells. They detect a change in the environment stimulus. In the nervous system this leads to an electrical impulse being made in response to the stimulus. Sense organs contain groups of receptors that respond to specific stimuli.

How did Linnaeus break organisms into groups-the groups were based on what?

BoBert took the fouled and bones and bobbed it I luv u carol

Who war the first to make rules for organizing stimuli into coherent groups in psychology?

Proximity, Similarity, Continuity, and Connectedness

What groups make up amino acids?

The amino acids are distinguished by the R groups which determines what amino acid it is.:) im doing this homework right now .

What does classifcation mean?

the assignment of organisms to groups within a system of categories distinguished by structure, origin, etc.

Is it true that if animals live in groups they can only hunt small animals?

No, animals that live in groups, or packs, actually tend to hunt larger animals. For example lions, they hunt in groups and take down some of the largest land animals in the world.

What animals do not live in groups?

Most animals do not live in family groups. Some animals that do include horses, lions, and dolphins.

Organisms that have no definite shape 0 lines of symmetry?

Organisms that are considered to be simple, such as corals, sponges, urchins, many bacteria and protists all lack bilateral symmetry. The symmetry of these animals is one of the ways they are distinguished from each other and classified into groups.