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Q: How are Brain signals from the nose?
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How does a human nose function?

As a filter and a sensor for the brain, when you smell something it sends signals to the brain telling you what it is you are smelling.

Does your nose help you taste?

smell signals from the nose is taken to the brain. The flavor is then perceived by the brain and taste signal is sent to taste buds that are present on the tongue If we dont breathe, and try eating it is not possible for us to get the taste and no signal would be send to the brain.

What is the nerve that sends impulses from the nose to the brain?

Quite a few, depending on what sensation you're interested in, but the cribiform plate is actually a part of the brain (the olfactory lobe), the only part of the brain that connects to the outside world directly.

What interprets signals?

the brain

How can you explain panoramic vision?

Visual sensory signals are transmitted via optic nerve to the parts of brain from both eyes. In there, the Brain shows us a single panoramic picture while cutting off the view of nose and eye lashes.

Where do the voluntary muscles get their signals from?

The brain

Why do you feel emotional?

Emotions are neural signals that tell the brain about the world around us. These signals tell the brain how to respond to the stimuli.

What happens if the brain stops sending signals to the heart?

No the brain doesnt

Do nerves send signals?

No, nerves do not send signals. They transmit signals produced by receptors or the brain or spinal cord.

What part of the brain is involved in sensory adaptation?

The part of the brain that is involved in sensory adaptation is the cerebral cortex. This area of the brain adapts the body's senses into signals so that hey can be understood by the brain. Touch, taste, smell, and sight sense signals are the signals that are converted.

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After your ears convert sound waves into electrical signals where are the signals sent for interpretation?

The brain