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Both involve staging, composition, lighting, cameras, film (or sensors) and people to make it happen. Film (cinema) differs in that it happens in three dimensions, so that subject movement up, down, right, left, fore and back must be carefully planned and controlled.

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Q: How are Film and Photography alike and different?
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What is the workplace like in photography?

It depends on what type of photography you do. For example, if you do wedding photography you probably be doing more on site jobs then if you work with studio photography. If you do digital more then film the work places are different too, because you use a computer for digital and a darkroom for film.

What is film photography?

Photography using film, rather than a digital camera.

In what situation is film photography preferred?

There is no specific situation in which film ought to be preferred. Preferences for the use of film vs. digital are different for each individual photographer. However, traditionally black and white film photography is seen as what is used for the medium of 'fine art photography'. Other then that it all comes down to individual habits.

What is conventional photography?

Looking for photography prints online in Dubai. Shop for the best photography prints from our collection of exclusive.

How are digital photography and catalog photography alike?

Catalog photography is a type of commercial photography that is published for pubic viewing in a catalog. Digital Photography is a good way to make photography accesible for catalogs. As an instant media form, photographs for catalogs can be made cheaply and modified more effectively for use in a catalog.

What method of photography was the main source of photos before digital photography came into use?

Film cameras and film stock to take the photos...

What is the difference between wet photography and digital photography?

processing film chemicals used /unused

What field is photography in?

Depends on the type of Photography.... Could be Art/Film, Commercial... etc.

How long did it take to film Indiana Jones?

The filming, or principal photography, varies between the different films. The first film, Raiders of the Lost Ark, was only shot in 73 days.

What do you use fast film for?

"Fast" film registers light more quickly than slow film. Fast film is usually used for low light photography, high speed photography (for sports, etc.) or similar needs.

Is the element silver used in photography?

It is widely used in standard film-based (pre-digital) Photography.

Which company invented instant film?

Polaroid Photography