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They are all gaseous.

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Q: How are all outer planets similar to each other?
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What planets are similar to each other in size density and internal?

the answer is Venus, and Earth

How are the inner planets different from each other?

The Inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are the planets closest to the sun. They are similar in that they all have solid surfaces, are almost the same size and have at least one moon.

How are planets closest to the sun different from the planets that are farther away?

The planets that are closest to the sun get more heat than the ones more farther away. The four inner planets are dense and rocky. The four other planets have small solid cores surrounded by vast atmospheres. The four inner planets have one significant satellite among them (the moon), while each of the outer planets has many satellites. The four inner planets are small, while the outer planets are massive.

What are the 3 features that the outer planets have in common?

These are the four outer gas giant planets; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They are all much larger than the inner planets, they all have a similar composition (gaseous atmospheres, mainly of Hydrogen and Helium) and they each have many moons and a ring system. None of the inner planets have a ring system and there are only three moons in total for the four inner planets (one for Earth and two in orbit around Mars).

How do inner planets and outer planets compare?

The inner planets are having few or no moons at all, and the planet are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. And the puter planets are part of the sun mass and have no solid surface, they are also called the gas giants, and the planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. ----------------------------------------------------------ps. hi:) It's thought that during the solar system's formation, when the planets were still proto-planets, the sun "switched on" and the solar wind blew away the lighter, gaseous component of the inner planets, leaving the heavier core. The outer gas planets are too far away to have this happen.

Related questions

What are the outer planets and how are they similar?

The outer planets are the planets that are made of gas. Each of the outer planets are mad of gas and can not hold life.

How the inner planets are similar to each other?

The four inner planets are all made of rock or are rock based but the four outer planets are all made of gas or gas based.

What will happen if planets do not follow their orbit around the sun?

planets will fall to the outer space ,they will collide with each other and they will melt or exploded

What planets are similar to each other in size density and internal?

the answer is Venus, and Earth

How are the inner planets different from each other?

The Inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are the planets closest to the sun. They are similar in that they all have solid surfaces, are almost the same size and have at least one moon.

Is each planet an equal distance from one another?

sorta there are inner and outer planets the inner planets are alike and outer planets are alike to but inner and outer planets are different.

How many planets have a ring around it?

Each of the four outer gas planets has a ring system. These four outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

What planets similar to each other size and internal structure poop?

Planets are inanimate and, like all inanimate objects, they do not poop!

What is some information on asteroid belts?

The asteroid belt in our solar system, separates the inner and outer planets from each other.

What is outer planets made of?

Each of the four outer gas planets; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are made mainly from Hydrogen and Helium gas.

How are the inner and outer planets different from each other?

Well, the inner planets are not made up of gas like Saturn and Jupiter but Neptune and Uranus are surrounded by the gas giant

What kind of planets are the first four inner?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the first four inner planets. The asteroid belt is what separates the inner and outer planets from each other. There are thousands of asteroids in the asteroid belt.