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a hamster is just like a bear, its just smaller, hamsters are originally from the wild just like bears, they even have hamsters that are called teddy bear hamsters and black bear hamsters, so when you go to a pet store look really close at a hamster then think of a bear and realize that they do look alike. hamsters have tails like bears and look like bears but they're just smaller. bears are like hamsters cousins and hamsters are like bears cousins. hope this helped!

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13y ago
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14y ago

eat, sleep, drink, go to the bathroom, breathe, walk, have brains, arms, legs, fur, eyes, penises, vaginas, teeth, mouth, tongue, feet, hands, nose, eyes, sense of smell, sight, touch, blood runs through veins. The list is really endless.

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How do hamsters skeletons differ from human skeleton?

You do know that humans and hamsters aren't the same, right?

How do hamsters reproduce?

the same way humans do just in a smaller version.

What ways are hamsters easy take care of?

Hamsters, depending on their breed, do not need handling or attention from humans, so you only have to change their food, water, and bedding to keep them alive! To make hamsters happy you should buy them toys too!

How do human impact on hamsters?

How could humans have impact on hamsters

What does a dwarf eat?

If you mean hamsters they eat the same thing as all other hamsters but if you mean the humans, that is not the best way to put it but they also eat what the rest of us do.

How do cats get the waste out of their body?

In the same ways that humans do.

Can hamsters and humans go on the same diet?

no they can not hamsters can eat mostly anything apart from chocolate which melts in their pouches and citrus which gives them tummy aches. the only chocolate that they can eat is the special chocolate you can get for hamsters. hope i have helped xx

How do hamsters reproduse?

Like humans.

How are humans the same but different in many ways?

because boys are different from girl in ways of the body

Are animals and human same?

In some ways yes and in some ways no. So humans are animals.

Can hamsters eat Japanese lilacs?

humans can

Can you give strep throat to hamsters?

Yes. If you have strep, do not handle your hamster. If it is staying in the same room as you, it is best if it can be moved out until you are better. Hamsters will die from diseases that just make humans feel bad.