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Q: How are cat scans and ttt alike?
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What is an example of how computers have led to advances in medical technology?

CAT scans

What are the responsibilities of radiologists?

To do CAT scans and MRI scans on people so you can diagnose them with a disease

How do you find brain damage?

several ways - CAT scans, PET scans, ECG scans...check it up with ur doctor

How many cat scans can you have in a year?


Are repeated cat scans dangerous?

yes they are

Do cat scans make your nose bleed?

No, they shouldn't.

What kind of doctor gives CAT scans?

A Radiologist.

What metal is used as a dye during CAT scans?

Iodine is commonly used as a contrast dye in CAT scans (computed tomography scans) to help enhance the visibility of blood vessels, organs, and other structures in the body. It is injected into a patient's bloodstream before the scan to improve the clarity of the images produced.

What type of medical imaging would best be used to diagnose epileptic seizures?

CAT scans and MRI scans are often used.

What field includes CAT (computerized axial tomography) scans and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans as diagnostic tools?

CAT scans and MRI scans are useful for a wide variety of medical investigations; the MRI in particular is very useful for neurological examinations, since it is otherwise very difficult to examine the brain in any detail. CAT scans can be used for all sorts of things, to investigate illness or injury in any part of the body. I had one recently for a kidney stone.

When was TTT Riga created?

TTT Riga was created in 1958.