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Q: How are currency fluctuations a barrier to trade?
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How might currency in the UK be a trade barrier?

be cause it can

How do fluctuations to the international exchange rate of a nation's currency affect its balance of trade?

Helps the balance.

What are some of the main causes for fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates?

Some of the main causes for fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates are differentials in inflation and differentials in interest rates. Others include currency-account deficits and public debt.

What is one natural trade barrier?

A natural trade barrier is something that prevents trade that is not artificially created.

How does a country balance of payments affect the value of its currency?

can cause fluctuations in the exchange rate between its currency and foreign currencies.

How might currency be a trade barrier?

Every currency is a different value and the currencies compare to each other differently. Currencies are always changing. The problem is called currency devaluation. A trade barrier is that if a dollar falls, stocks fall and prices change. One day the item's cost might be one amount and a month later the item costs way more. Also, having to convert one currency to another takes time to complete the transaction. Converting between multiple currencies takes even longer.

Is government import standards a trade barrier?

yes it is a non tariff barrier of trade.

Causes of foreign exchange fluctuations?

changes in the puchasing power of one currency

What kind of trade barrier is a limit on trade?


What is one type of trade barrier?

One type of trade barrier would be like bieng on a island there is really only one way to get to you so its kinda of a trade barrier i think hope this helps you

What exchange rate system allows for fluctuations in currency values on a day-to-day basis?

A flexible exchange rate system allows for fluctuations in currency values on a day-to-day basis. Another kind of system would be a fixed exchange rate system.

What is the consequence of modern methods of currency trading?

The effect of this trend is that all nations with even partially convertible currencies are exposed to the fluctuations in the currency markets.