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Both the tundra and the desert have low precipitatio They also have limited plant life that has adapted to the harsh environment.

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Q: How are deserts and tundras similar?
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Are desserts tundras?

Well, DESERTS are tundras depending where you are. There are arctic tundras that are not deserts, but tundra deserts that are hot as well.

Are tundras and deserts both dry?

Yes, both deserts and tundras have low precipitation. However, they are two distinct biomes.


all tundras ecosystem have similar features

What climate feature do tundras and deserts have in common?

Generally low precipitation

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3 main biomes in the US land only?

Taigas, Tundras, Deserts.

What is one difference between deserts tundra and grasslands?

Tundras have permafrost whereas grasslands do not.

What major thing do tundras grassland deserts and forest all have in common?

They all support plantlife.

Where are the tundra polar deserts found?

Tundras are a separate biome from deserts. The only polar desert is the Antarctic Desert. Most of the land area in the Arctic is tundra.

what are landforms?

Landforms are topics to tundras,deserts to rain forests,fresh water mountains streams to saltwater tidal marshes.

What are the environmental challenges that India faces?

microclimates; a bunch of different environmental changes in a country ex:desert to tundra.indias consists of deserts,rian forrests, and tundras

Is a tundra a biome?

Yes a Tunda is a biome because it lives in a different parts of the worlds and it survives in its own way.