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so we can understand which aniaml is related to what xx

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Q: How are evolutionary trees useful to us?
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How are evolutionary trees useful?

They help scientist's see which spieces are related and in what ways! That's the gist of it really

How are wild animals useful to us?

Wild animals are useful to us because they provide food. Also, they are useful in the life cycle with trees in producing oxygen for us to breathe.

How are mushrooms useful to us?

In addition to eating them: Many species of mushrooms, for example, pair with certain species of trees in symbiotic relationships that allow both to thrive. The trees, thanks to the mushrooms, are useful to us in many ways.

How is monkey useful to us?

Monkeys are useful to trees, in many cases, because they eat the trees' fruits, but don't digest the seeds. Then, they disperse the seeds, (via their dung) far from the parent tree.

Why is it useful to use evolutionary principles as a guide to behavioral research?

Social behavior, including culture, has an evolutionary basis.

Why is DNA a useful evolutionary clock?

As it will mutate over time.

Why is forest directly useful for us?

Without the trees in the Forrest we would have no air to breathe and die.

When is cladistics more useful the linnaen taxonomy?

Cladistics is more useful than Linnaean taxonomy when studying evolutionary relationships because it groups organisms based on shared evolutionary history. This allows for a more accurate representation of evolutionary relationships compared to Linnaean taxonomy, which is based on physical characteristics.

How many evolutionary trees did Charles Darwin publish in his life?

He published one

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is nuclear deal useful for us? why nuclear deal is useful for us? is nuclear deal useful for us? why nuclear deal is useful for us? is nuclear deal useful for us? why nuclear deal is useful for us? is nuclear deal useful for us? why nuclear deal is useful for us?

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Gabon's most useful resouce is the lumber from the rain forest trees.

How the sun is useful for human health?

It provides us with Vitamin D, makes our vegetables and fruit grow and also make trees grow that provides us with oxygen.