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Developed land that is covered with buildings does not absorb water. Development increases problems with chemical runoff. Houses and businesses that have lawns, for example, may use pesticides or fertilizers on their grass that runs off into the groundwater.

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Q: How flooding problems are getting worse with increased development?
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Discuss how flooding problems are getting worse with increased development?

Flooding problems are getting worse with increased developement because our lands are very low. As erosion increases, our land diminishes little by little. Over thousands of years the tide has risen and the land has lowered, causing an increase in floods, especially in the coastal regions of the world.

Can you explain how flooding problems are getting worse with increased development?

As more and more land is used for humans,we concret over the land and there is no place for the water to get soaked up in the ground

How did the residents in Mesopotamia control flooding for irrigation?

they build dams in order to control their water problems from getting to much food. : )

Why are people in the western world getting fatter?

The increased consumption of G.M O foods and fatty food with bad exercise habit encouraged increased size and development of obesity in western countries

How are our flooding problems getting worse?

Because of golobal warming that is caused by people that turn the lights on for to long or leave the water on while they brush their teeth. Or doing things that waste

Turns over but won't start and smells like it's flooding?

probably getting too much fuel and flooding

How do they control the flooding of the nile river?

they controled it by getting some logs

Why is your ranger 2.9 flooding out?

Because it's getting too much gasoline

What factors contribute to flooding?

the rain factors in flooding because there is to much rain overflowing from any rivers nearby, or it has no way of getting out of where it fell, like in a valley or something.

What rain factors contribute to flooding?

the rain factors in flooding because there is to much rain overflowing from any rivers nearby, or it has no way of getting out of where it fell, like in a valley or something.

What is the defference between growth and development?

Think of growth as getting larger and larger and development as to growing and adding things on or creating. For example, if the stomach is growing, then it is getting larger and larger. If it is developing, then it is growing as well as being created.

What are the advantages of getting a bonus?

salary get increased