

How are fungus infections treated?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Silly as it may sound, with various anti-fungal medications. The medication depends on the type of fungal infection, but they work by essentially stopping metabolism in the fungus, thus killing it.

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Q: How are fungus infections treated?
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Among the herbs that slow down or halt the growth of fungus are goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), myrrh (Commiphora molmol), garlic (Allium sativa)

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There are various ways in which yeast infections can be treated, depending on what has triggered the infection. Often times yeast infections are caused by fungus which can live anywhere, including in some of our body parts. With poor hygiene, health issues, and improper wiping, women can easily get yeast infections. Fluconazole is so far the most effective treatment to kill the bacteria causing the infections.

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