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Q: How are humbugs usefull to humans?
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Related questions

What are the release dates for Humbugs and Husbands - 1918?

Humbugs and Husbands - 1918 was released on: USA: 2 December 1918

What flavor are humbugs traditionally?

They are traditionally peppermint

What are medeival peasants houses made of?

Peasant houses are made of humbugs

Is this site usefull?

yes this site is usefull :)

What actors and actresses appeared in Humbugs and Husbands - 1918?

The cast of Humbugs and Husbands - 1918 includes: Frank Alexander Pete Gordon William Hauber Madge Kirby Blanche Payson Larry Semon as Larry

What breaks milo tock and the humbugs trance?

Rhyme and reason breaking frees Milo from Tock's accidentally self-inflicted trance and the humbugs' stubborn behavior. This release is symbolic of the restoration of logic and reason in the Kingdom of Wisdom.

How is wolf spider usefull?

The Wolf spider is useful because it eats insects which are known to attack humans, like mosquitoes and biting flies.

What are all of Mercy Otis Warren's accomplishments?

She called the British humbugs in one of her plays.

Is iPhone 4S usefull for 12 year old boy?

yes it is usefull.

Are vocabulary usefull to learn English Language?

I think thet's very usefull

What is the difference between an everton mint and a humbug?

Chewy centre in an Everton Mint, wheras humbugs are solid.

Which male animal raises its children?

A seahorse. well partially. a male seahorse gives birth to its young instead of the female. Humans are animals and male humans usualy raise thier young. I hope this is usefull to you. by a 12 year old