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A mineral is a substance that results from geologic processes, and is further defined as having a specific chemical composition and physical structure. It's not just a "mix" of stuff. A native mineral is a mineral that is found in a specified locality. If we consider quartz, the most abundant mineral on earth, it could be said to be native to just about anywhere. Hematite, the primary ore of iron, is found on earth (is native to earth), but is also native to Mars as well. The mineral has been found there at the Opportunity landing site. Minerals are "rocks" of a fairly specific nature, and native minerals are minerals from an area that has been defined.

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2d ago

Native minerals are naturally occurring minerals that are composed of a single element or a few closely related elements. They are often found in pure, uncombined form. In contrast, other minerals are composed of multiple elements and usually undergo chemical processes to form.

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How is a native mineral different from most other materials?

A native mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure, which sets it apart from most other materials. Native minerals have a defined set of physical properties and are generally formed through geological processes over a long period of time. In contrast, most other materials are synthetic or composed of mixtures of elements and compounds with varied properties.

What are the different mineral?

There are over four thousand different minerals. There are some major groups of minerals, which include groups such as oxides, silicates, carbonates, phosphates, borates, halides, sulfides, and native elements.

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These are all properties of minerals, and barium is an element which does not occur in a pure (native) form in the earth. Different minerals with barium as a constituent have various different properties.

Examples of native minerals?

Some examples of native minerals include gold, silver, copper, diamond, and graphite. These minerals are naturally occurring and are composed of a single element, making them distinct from other types of minerals. They are typically found in their pure form, without being chemically combined with other elements.

What are in elements?

In elements there are minerals, statics and other things every element is different!!

Are there different typed of minerals?

There are many different types of minerals.

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There are many different minerals you can get from different foods. You usually get different minerals from fruits than you do vegetables.

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each of native delicacy has its own place where it is originated and were it is being popularized

Are rocks made out of different kind of minerals?

Almost all rocks made of minerals, but different rocks contain different mixtures of minerals.

Why would life be different without minerals?

life would be different without minerals because their woul'nt be minerals

Are ores and rocks minerals or metals?

Pure native metals are considered minerals. Mixed metals are considered alloys.

How were the seminole people different from other Native American?

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