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The externall shell of electrons is completely filled.

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Q: How are noble gas configurations different from electron configurations?
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What is a pseudo-noble gas?

Although the formation of an octet is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations provide stability. These relatively stable electron arrangements are referred to a pseudo-noble gas configuration. Although the formation of an octet is the most stable electron configuration, other electron configurations provide stability. These relatively stable electron arrangements are referred to a pseudo-noble gas configuration.

What is noble gas structure?

Its when the all the shells in an atom are full with electrons Loading...

How do atoms achieve noble gas configurations in single covalent bonds?

They share an outer electron.

How does noble-gas notation shorten the process of writing an elements electrons configuration?

In noble gas notation, you don't have to write the electron configuration up to that noble gas. You simply put the noble gas in brackets [noble gas] and then continue to write the electron configuration from that point. It just makes it shorter and easier to write electron configurations for elements with a lot of electrons.

How do atoms achieve noble gas electron configurations in single covalent bonds?

They achieve noble gas configuration by the sharing of electrons.

What rule is says chemical reations atoms tend to match the outer electron configurations of noble gas?

octet rule

How atoms achieve noble gas electron configurations in single covalent bonds?

Two atoms share two electrons.

How can you shorten electron configurations to concentrate on the valence electrons?

Writing at the beginning the adequate symbol of an noble gas, in square parenthesis.

The electron configurations of the noble gases from neon to radon in the periodic table make these elements part of the?

They are all members of the noble gas group (group 18).

Why is noble gas notation used to write electron configurations?

Because it is shorter and easier to write. Also saves time when compared to writing the complete electron configuration.

What do noble gases electrons form?

Noble Gas Configurations

How are electrons configurations different from noble gas configuration?

The externall shell of electrons is completely filled.