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represent the difference between free energy content of the reaction and the free energy content of products?

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Q: How are organic molecules broken down by catabolic pathways?
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Why catabolic reactions are called convergent reactions?

The various degradative pathways of catabolism are convergent. That is, many hundreds of different proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids are broken down into relatively few catabolic end products. The hundreds of anabolic pathways,however, are divergent. That is, the cell uses relatively few biosynthetic precursor molecules to synthesize a vast number of different proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids.

Reaction for respiration an anabolic reaction or catabolic reaction?

Reaction for respiration is a catabolic process. It is where organic compounds are broken into simpler substances through the transfer of electrons.

What does food vacuole do?

site where organic molecules are broken down

Is the process anabolic or catabolic of cellular respiration?

Catabolism is when the molecules are broken down and energy is released. Cellular respiration breaks down large molecules, like glucose, and store the energy in the form of ATP. Therefore, cellular respiration is catabolic.

Energy is primarily when organic molecules are synthesized and when they are broken down?


Is an exergonic reaction catabolic or anabolic?

An exergonic reaction is catabolic. A catabolic reaction is the process of breaking down complex macromolecules into smaller subunits while releasing energy in the process. An exergonic reaction is an energy releasing reaction hence why it is a catabolic reaction.

What is the final electron acceptor in fermentation?

Glycolysis is a biochemical process in which a molecule of glucose (containing 6 carbon atoms) is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate (containing 3 carbon atoms) The process is merely a catabolic pathway. There is no transport of electrons as such.

When covalent bonds in organic molecules are broken the energy is not used immediately Instead the released energy is stored in?

molecules of ATP.

What organic molecules that can be broken down during cellular respiration can be obtained from?

polysaccharides, proteins and lipids

Is cellular respiration catabolism or anabolism?

Cellular respiration is a catabolic pathway because a complex molecule is being broken down.

Is catabolic a chemical reaction?

Catabolic and anabolic reactions are metabolic processes. Both the capture and use of energy by organisms involves a series of thousands of reactions (metabolism). A catabolic reaction is one that breaks down large molecules to produce energy; an example is digestion. An anabolic reaction is one that involves creating large molecules out of smaller molecules; an example is when your body makes fat out of extra nutrients you eat.

Are hydrolysis reactions catabolic reactions?

Hydrolysis decomposes carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Hydrolosis is not anabolic, it is catabolic. A catabolic reaction is where the bond between monomers is broken by the enzyme and the addition of water.