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Thus, during photosynthesis a plant consumes water, carbon dioxide, and light energy, and produces glucose and oxygen. The sugar glucose is important because it is necessary for cellular respiration.

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Sarah C.

Lvl 2
3y ago

One creates glucose, when the other breaks it down

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Kerah McCord

Lvl 5
6mo ago

They are both performed by plants.

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Q: How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related(apex)?
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They perform cellular respiration but not photosynthesis.

Why does cellular respiration depend on photosynthesis?

Cellular respiration needs glucose. Glucose is produced by photosynthesis

Why is cellular repiration important to photosynthesis?

Cellular respiration allows cells to break down glucose produced during photosynthesis to produce energy in the form of ATP. This energy is crucial for the various metabolic processes that occur in the cell, including supporting the photosynthetic process itself. Additionally, cellular respiration acts as a "recycler" by returning carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere, which can then be used by plants in photosynthesis.

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cellular respiration is pretty much the opposite of photosynthesis..i think.

How is cellular respiration similar to photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are both cellular processes organisms use to obtain energy.

Can an organism carry out cellular respiration without photosynthesis how about photosynthesis without cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is possible without photosynthesis in an organism but photosynthesis is not possible without cellular respiration.

How is cellular respiration to photosynthesis?

Energy produced in photosynthesis is put into a usable form through cellular respiration.

What substance is a product of cellular respiration and a reactant in photosynthesis?

Glucose is a product of photosynthesis and a reactant in cellular respiration.

What is true of the role of carbohydrates in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

Carbohydrates are made in photosynthesis. it is burning in the cellular respiration.

How is photosynthesis is related to cellular respiration?

Energy produced in photosynthesis is put into a usable form through cellular respiration.