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i agree, but there is more. One is that planes don't have to go around buildings, mountains, etc.

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Q: How are planes faster than trains or cars?
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Which did people invent first cars boats airplanes or trains?

honestly what i think is that people invented boats before cars, planes, or trains.

Are trains faster than cars?

It all depends on what type of train, and what type of car.

What is faster a train or a airplane?

Planes, on average, are faster than trains. With most planes traveling at 400 to 500mph while even the fastest conventional train in regular operation only goes 200mph

How much faster are planes then cars?

According to studies, airplanes are 9 times faster than cars. It is because they are powered with greater thrust by propellers and jet engines.

How are trains better than cars?

Cars are better then trains because they can travel faster, and are more comfortable to travel in. NO trains are better they can go twice as fast as cars. first class or any class is better than car seating this is why: meals on board.toilets.meals.internet wifis.plugs for phones and laptop. can u get that in a car?

When would a plane be more useful?

Well, more useful than a what? I would assume you mean a car or train or something akin to that, so here is my answer. Planes are usually a lot faster than cars and most trains, so that is one thing. Another is that there is very rarely traffic in the skies like there is on a major highway at 4pm. However, planes are usually only faster for long term travels. For example, it would be faster in a car from Paris to Berlin than in a plane. Also, I would wager that planes probably are in a long term sense, more efficient that cars considering the plane takes more than one person. Overall, I think planes are better than cars, although only very wealthy people have personal jets and whatnot, so I would say cars for practical use, and planes for official and vacation use (through an airline company, or course).

Are planes faster than cars?

Generally, yes. But if the plane is moving very slow and the car is driving really, really fast, then the car is faster.

Why are planes better than cars?

Planes are not necessarily better than cars - they provide a totally different function.

Which is faster a passenger train or a freight train?

Passenger trains are usually faster than freight trains.

Why are floating trains faster than regular trains?

No rolling friction.

Can other trains in Britan and Scotland travel faster than trains in the High Speed 1?

No, the other trains in Britain and Scotland cannot travel faster than the trains in the high speed one.

Why do planes go faster than trains?

Planes must move quickly in air or else they fall out of the sky, trains can travel at any speed. It is possible to design trains to travel at aircraft speeds (sub-sonic only) but it is prohibitively expensive. If a train were to travel through a tunnel in a vacuum, it could travel at any speed short of the speed of light, in theory.