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gibberellin by feedback control and abscisic acid by xylem an phloem transport gibberellin by feedback control and abscisic acid by xylem an phloem transport

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Q: How are plant hormones transported?
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Blood in your hormones?

Hormones are transported by blood.So there are hormones in blood.

What are hormones transported to?

Hormones are transported to target cells, which are cells in another part of the body where the hormone will have an effect.

Chemicals that are produced in one part of an organism and are then transported to another part of the organism in order to regulate plant growth and development are called?


Are hormones transported in blood by red blood cells?

No. The red cells carry oxygen and no hormones.

How do hormones travel to their targets in animal cells and in plant cells.?

The process is different for plants and animals. In animals, the hormones are transported by the circulatory system, which eventually allows them to reach the target cells with appropriate receptors. In plants, the hormones are signal molecules, and they're not produced in large concentrations; they regulate targeted cellular processes in the plant that produces them.

What are released hormones?

In animals by endocrine system.They are transported by blood.

What is transported in the plasma?

Ions: sodium, chlorine, pottasiu, calcium; buffers and osmoregulators; also hormones are transported in the blood plasma.

How are hormones transportd?

They are transported through blood.Some times through lymph.

How are hormones transported to their target organs?


Hormones are usually transported through and affect only cells with?

Local hormones are usually transported through cells and only affect the cells that are in that locality. They have the ability to affect all cells that they come into close contact with.

Are hormones transported throughout the whole body?

Yes. Hormones are transported throughout the body, via the bloodstream. They do not, however, effect every cell. Only certain cells in the body have the proper receptor sites to accomodate hormones. Therefore, even though hormones are transported right through the body, they only create a reaction for certain things.

Do plant hormones effect the fertilizing of vegetables?

Plant hormones will effect the fertilizing of vegetables directly. The hormones will be involved in most of the reproduction processes of vegetables.