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by the interaction of supply and demand

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Q: How are prices established in a free enterprise system?
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What is in a free enterprise economy supply and demand affect the of a product?

In a free enterprise system, when supply is low and demand is high, prices are higher, but when supply is high and and demand is low, prices are lower.

In a free enterprise system how does competition among businesses benefit consumers?

by lowering prices

A sentence with free enterprise system?

The United States is a free enterprise system.

What is special feature of a free-enterprise system helps keep the prices of goods and services down?

Supply and Demand

What special feature of a free enterprise system helps keep the prices of goods and services down?

Supply and Demand

What is a free enterprise system mean?

The Free Enterprise System is based on the right of the individual to run a business for profit with a minimum of government control. The characteristics of a free enterprise system are freedom, competition, and private ownership.

What would have the same meaning as capitalism or a market economy?

Free Enterprise System

Does Mexico have a free enterprise socialist or communist?

It has a free enterprise or "capitalistic" economic system.

Why did british control of the American colonies contribute to the development of the free enterprise system in the US?

Great Britain established free trade agreements with other wealthy nation.

What are the goals of free enterprise system?

So-called free enterprise is concerned with making profits.

What economic system does the U.S. use?

Free Enterprise It is not Capitalism A Free Enterprise System is when you have the right to run a business to make a profit with limited interference from the government.

What is the role of an entrepreneur in a free enterprise system?

It is a persOn who work For enterprise