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Some organisms have adapted to their environment through evolution. These species went through slow changes so that they could survive where they are. In some cases, the environment changed around them slowly and they went through changes. This is what happened to many species in the deeper regions of the ocean.

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because of the hydrothermal

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Q: How are some organisms able to survive without sunlight and photosynthesis-?
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Can a pitcher plant survive without sunlight?

No. It has green leaves and therefore needs sunlight for photosynthesis.

What are the organisms that live live attached to the bottom of the ocean?

benthos they survive without sunlight.

What region can photosynthetic organisms not live in?

In order to live, photosynthetic organisms cannot survive without sunlight and water. Therefore a photosynthetic organism cannot survive in any place without water, such as a desert, or without light and air, such as the moon.

How does sunlight affect the ability of plants to survive?

Without sunlight, plants can not survive.

Why couldn't animals survive without sunlight?

plants need food for their survival.the food is prepared accordingly by the process called photosynthesis.for photosynthesis,sun plays a master role.and therefore plants cannot live without sunlight.

Why do plants without sunlight die?

They die without sunlight because they cannot undergo photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is how they make their "food". Without the light they will practically "starve" themselves to death.

How does sunlight aid in survival?

will different plants need different amount of sunlight . they need sunlight for photosynthesis that's how they make their own food. without sunlight,there would be no photosynthesis and plants.

Why is sunlight important for a plant to make its food?

because the plant converts the light energy (from the sun) into chemical energy (it's food)

Can An Plant Grow With No Sunlight?

No, plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, a process in which they convert sunlight into energy to grow. Without sunlight, plants will not be able to produce energy and will not be able to grow properly.

Why is the suns energy important to the survival of an organism in an ecosystem?

Sunlight is vital for the process of photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis, plants die, there is no food for herbivores, and the carbon cycle is not happening. Which means: OXYGEN IS DEPLETED! ALL ORGANISMS DIE.

Why is energy is important to plants?

Plants need the sun's energy to complete the process of photosynthesis. Plants cannot survive without energy, actually all organisms need energy to survive.

Can plants survive without light?

Some plants like mushrooms and fungi can survive without sunlight.