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Compounds are formed from simpler substances by chemical reaction. Some compounds can be formed directly from their constituent elements, e.g., water from hydrogen and oxygen: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O. Other compounds are formed by reaction of an element with another compound; e.g., sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is formed (and hydrogen gas released) by the reaction of sodium metal with water: 2Na + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2↑. Compounds are also made by reaction of other compounds; e.g., sodium hydroxide reacts with hydrogen chloride (HCl) to form sodium chloride and water: HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O. Complex molecules such as proteins are formed by a series of reactions involving elements and simple compounds. Compounds can be decomposed by chemical means into elements or simpler compounds. Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis. Candle wax, a mixture of hydrocarbons, is changed in the candle flame by combustion (with oxygen) to a mixture of the simpler compounds carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. Life is based on numerous reactions in which energy is stored and released as compounds are produced and decomposed.

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15y ago
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13y ago

In compound, there are two or more substances combined chemically. This means they can only be separated by chemical reactions. For example, when certain chemicals, like iron and sulfur, are combined, they undergo a chemical reaction (in this case an exothermic reaction) and form a new substance (in this case iron sulfide). This substance could only be broken down (into iron and sulfur) again through chemical reactions.

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7y ago

because this is a compound

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Compound is formed by the chemical combination of two or more substances.

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Compound is formed by the chemical combination of two or more substances.

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Compound is formed by the chemical combination of two or more substances.

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A compound is formed when two or more other substances are combined and a chemical change takes place. Pure water would be an example of a compound.

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A compound is the pure substance formed from the chemical combination of two or more different elements.

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a compound is formed i guess that answers question rewrite many different substances can be formed from different chemical reactions Add: Products are formed from a chemical reaction.

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Compounds are comprised of different elements, for example water, H2O is a compound formed by the elements Hydrogen and Oxygen.

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Yes, they can mixed together

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