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In general in any screw type instrument such as spherometer or screw gauge or micrometer the least count = pitch / no of head scale divisions

Spherometer has an advantage of finding the depth in case of curved surfaces.

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3d ago

The pitch of a spherometer is the distance between its tips when its central leg is displaced by one turn of the screw. The least count of a spherometer is the smallest distance it can measure, which is determined by the pitch of the screw. The least count is equal to the pitch of the spherometer divided by the number of divisions on the circular scale.

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13y ago

Least count of the spherometer = Pitch / No.of divisions in circular head

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What is pitch of spherometer?

The distance moved my the screw in one complete rotation in the circular scale is called the pith of spherometer.

How you calcuate micrometer least count?

least count of a micrometer= pitch/no of division on the circular scale

How do you find pitch of spherometer?

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the least count of screw gauge is 0.01mm OR 0.001cms..

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How do you calculate least count of micrometer?

Hi, heres how you calculate least count of a micrometer. Use the given formula: Least Count (L. C) = Pitch/no. of divisions on micrometer barrel(thimble) where, Pitch = distance travelled by thimble on linear scale in one rotation. Hi, heres how you calculate least count of a micrometer. Use the given formula: Least Count (L. C) = Pitch/no. of divisions on micrometer barrel(thimble) where, Pitch = distance travelled by thimble on linear sacle in one rotation.

What is formula for least count of vernier height gauge?

The least count of the vernier can be measured by using the formula stated below. Least count (L.C) = 1 M.S.D - 1 V.S.D Example; vernier scale is constructed by taking 49 main scale divisions dividing them into 50 divisions ie. 49mm divided into 50 parts therfore 1 vsd=49/50 mm=0.98mm 1 MSD=1mm substituting in formula L.C = 1 M.S.D - 1 V.S.D L.C=1-0.98=0.02mmvalue of 1 MSD/ no.of VSD for a vernier.0.06513651237517

Do Cal Ripken leagues use a pitch count?

Cal Ripken uses an innings count instead of pitch count. If a pitcher throws even one pitch, it counts as a whole inning.

What is a conclusion about micrometer and vernier caliper?

In case for micrometer, principle of pitch is used. Least count could be even micro meter But in vernier caliper, difference of main scale division and vernier scale division is the principle Least count could be 0.02 mm

What is meant by LC of a micrometer screw gauge?

The least count (LC) of a micrometer screw gauge is the smallest measurement that can be obtained using the device. It represents the smallest division on the scale of the micrometer screw gauge, and is used to determine the precision of the measurements taken with the instrument.

Does anything happen to batters pitch count if you remove pitcher in middle of pitch count?

Yes, the count reverts back to zero if the count is in the favor of the pitcher unless the pitcher leaves injured or is traded!

Does being hit by the pitcher count as a walk in fast pitch softball?

No it doesn't count as a walk it counts as a hit by pitch or HBP.