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they both make motion wave

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Q: How are transverse waves and compression waves similar?
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Related questions

What kind of waves does sound have transverse waves or compression waves?

Sound is a compressional wave.

Is sunlight and radiowaves a good example of compression waves?

Sunlight and radiowaves are examples of electromagnetic waves, which are transverse mechanical waves. Sound waves are compression waves.

Is a rainbow a transverse or compression wave?

A rainbow is made of different wavelengths (different colors) of light waves, and light waves are usually considered transverse waves.

Are surface waves compression waves?

No. surface waves on the surface of water is transverse in nature. It has crests and troughs. Compression and rarefaction will be in longitudinal wave. example sound waves.

What waves have a motion that is similar to that of ocean waves?

All transverse waves do.

How do crest and trough relate to compression and rarefaction?

They don't. They only relate to transverse waves, not longitudinal waves.

What are waves in which the particles vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave travels?

Compression waves (as opposed to transverse waves).

The crest of a transverse wave similar to what on a longitudinal wave?


How are compression and transverse waves the same?

Here is a good site for learning about waves. Hope it helps.

What are waves in which the particles vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave travels called?

Compression waves (as opposed to transverse waves).

Are radio waves transverse waves or longitudinal waves?

Transverse. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves, which are transverse.

Why can't a sound wave be a transverse wave?

Sound is transmitted through gases, plasma, and liquids as longitudinal waves, also called compression waves. Through solids, however, it can be transmitted as both longitudinal waves and transverse waves. (Taken from wikipedia)