

How are vectors subtracted?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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11y ago

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In order to subtract (or add vectors), you must define your frame of reference. Vectors have magnitude and direction. so they are define on an x, y, and z axis. Once the vector is referenece by it's x-y-z components (either positive or negative), then you add/subtract them just like any other number.

example v1= 3x + 5y + 5z and v2=2x+3y + 2z so, V1-V2= (3-2)x + (5-3)y + (5-2)z, which reduces to x+2y+3z

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1w ago

To subtract vectors, you can simply reverse the direction of the vector you are subtracting (by multiplying it by -1) and then add it to the original vector using vector addition. This process results in the difference vector, which represents the vector between the two initial vectors.

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9y ago

In subtraction of vectors, simply add a negative vector. A negative vector is the same vector as its positive counterpart, only it is pointing in the opposite direction.

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What are the Methods used in adding and subtracting vectors?

In adding vectors, you can use the head-to-tail method where you place the tail of the second vector at the head of the first vector. Then, the sum is the vector that goes from the tail of the first vector to the head of the second vector. In subtracting vectors, you can add the negative of the vector you are subtracting by using the same method as vector addition.

What are the two displacement vectors of magnitudes?

Two displacement vectors of magnitudes are two directed line segments that show the distance and direction between two points, representing a change in position. They can be added or subtracted using the parallelogram rule to find the resultant displacement.

What are the methods of adding and subtracting vector quantities?

Vector quantities can be added or subtracted geometrically using the head-to-tail method. To add vectors, place the tail of the second vector at the head of the first vector. The sum is the vector that connects the tail of the first vector to the head of the second vector. To subtract vectors, reverse the direction of the vector being subtracted and then add it to the other vector as usual.

What do you get when you subtract the force of air resitance from the force of gravity?

First of all, gravity is not a force, it is an acceleration. What you mean is the force of weight, which is the acceleration of gravity multiplied by mass (all forces are vectors, and gravity is not a vector.) When air resistance is subtracted from weight, you have the net force on a falling object (assuming those are the only forces acting on it.)

What are scalar relationships?

Scalar relationships refer to mathematical relationships that involve only magnitude, with no direction. They are characterized by numerical values and do not incorporate vectors or directions. Scalars can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided like ordinary numbers.

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Can any two vectors be added or subtracted?

Yes, all vectors can be added or subtracted.

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What are the Methods used in adding and subtracting vectors?

In adding vectors, you can use the head-to-tail method where you place the tail of the second vector at the head of the first vector. Then, the sum is the vector that goes from the tail of the first vector to the head of the second vector. In subtracting vectors, you can add the negative of the vector you are subtracting by using the same method as vector addition.

When vectors are added or subtracted what is the net force called?

The sum of vectors is not always a force. It might be a displacement, a velocity, acceleration, momentum, divergence, curl, gradient, etc. In any case, the algebraic combination of several individual vectors is the "resultant".

What do you get when you subtract the force of air resitance from the force of gravity?

First of all, gravity is not a force, it is an acceleration. What you mean is the force of weight, which is the acceleration of gravity multiplied by mass (all forces are vectors, and gravity is not a vector.) When air resistance is subtracted from weight, you have the net force on a falling object (assuming those are the only forces acting on it.)

What is the least number which when subtracted from 380700 makes a complete square?

The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.

What is the difference between vectors and non-vectors?

Coplanar :The vectors are in the same plane.Non coplanar :The vectors are not in the same plane.

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Vectors of the arthropod.

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Can two vectors having different magnitudes be combined to give a zero resultant can three vectors?

Yes, two vectors of different magnitudes can be combined to give a zero resultant if they are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. For three vectors to give a zero resultant, they must form a closed triangle or meet at a common point where the sum of the vectors equals zero.

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