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Q: How are volcanoes disturbed are they scattered evenly or concentrated in zones?
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How are volcanoes distributed in the map are they scattered evenly or concentrated in zones?

Volcanoes are in concentrated zones.

Are volcanos scatered evenly or in concentrated zones?

They are concentrated in zones and are scattered unevenly.

How are earthquakes distributed on the map Are they scattered evenly or concentrated in zones?

They are concentrated in zones - specifically at or near tectonic plate boundaries.

How are the volcanoes distributed on the map Are they scattered evenly or concentrated in zones?

They are concentrated in zones - specifically at or near convergent and divergent tectonic plate boundaries. There are a few exceptions that can occur within tectonic plates which are thought to be caused by mantle plumes which create hot spots. An example would be the Hawaiian Island chain which has formed roughly in the centre of the pacific plate.

Are volcanoes evenly distributed or concentrated in zones?

Volcanoes are more frequent around the "ring of fire", by japan, California, Australia, and Alaska.

Are earthquakes scattered evenly over the earth's suface?

No. They tend to be concentrated at or near the boundaries of tectonic plates.

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It is less concentrated than in the USA, but more concentrated than in Europe.

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Diffusion is the movement of particles/molecules from a high concentrated area to a low concentrated area until they are evenly spread.

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Wealth in Europe is more concentrated, as wealth in all capitalistic countries are (European countries are mainly capitalist).

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