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Bonjour, Madame, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?

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Q: How are you this day madam?
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What does good day madam said in french?

It Is: Bonjour Madam

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How do you say Hello Maam in French?

hello madam how was your day bonjour Madame allait comment votre jour ?

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마담 = madam

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What is 'Good day madam' when translated from English to Italian?

Buon giorno, signora! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Good day, madam!" The greeting also translates less literally as "Good morning, Ma'am!" The pronunciation will be "bwon DJOR-no see-NYO-ra" in Pisan Italian.

When was Call Me Madam?

Call Me Madam was created in 1950.

What is madam in Portuguese?

Madam is "Senhora" in portuguese language.

How you address a lady palindromes?

Madam, Ma'am

What is he masculine of madam?

The masculine equivalent of "madam" is "sir."

What is the meaning of Ques que ses madam?

The French phrase " Qu'est-ce que c'est madam" sounds nearly identical to the sentence above. It means What is this, Madam? or What is that, madam?