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The size of the cyst matters less than the symptoms it causes. Even small cysts can stretch the lining of the joint and cause pain or discomfort.

There is no specific size that a cyst has to reach to have it removed.

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1d ago

The decision to remove a cyst in the wrist depends on various factors such as the size of the cyst, symptoms experienced by the individual, and impact on daily activities. Typically, cysts in the wrist are removed if they are causing pain, discomfort, or restricted movement, rather than just based on size alone. It's best to consult with a healthcare professional for an individualized assessment and recommendation.

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Q: How big does a cyst in the wrist need to be to have it removed?
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What is ganglion cyst removal?

If a ganglion does not cause symptoms it is best just to leave it alone. However, many people prefer to be rid of them. The best possible method of removing it is through homeopathy. Ask a homeopathist to give you a mixture of Ruta-Graveolens . Homeopathy doesn't work for everyone, you have to be someone who is willing to try it. The pain will generally subside after two days and the cyst will usually disappear after 3 days. Homeopathy works at the source of the problem and the cyst is said to never return. Many people have heard of the traditional cure. That is, to smash them with a heavy book (tradition holds it to be the family bible). This bursts the cyst under the skin. The fluid is then absorbed into the bloodstream. In some people this works well, but there is a high chance of it recurring as the walls of the cyst can reform. However, it is an instant cure for some. Sometimes it is possible to suck out the fluid with a needle and syringe. If the jelly-like fluid is very thick this may not work. Also, if it does work, there is a chance that the cyst will recur as the wall of the cyst is not removed, and the fluid may form again to refill the ganglion. However, in some people it cures the problem. As it is quite easy for a doctor to do, it is often attempted first. Surgical removal of the ganglion is the last resort that one should consider. This is a relatively minor operation. Rarely, after a ganglion is removed, one recurs again at the same site. However, after having it surgically removed a recurrence is much less likely to occur.

You developed a large lump on your hand after falling and hurting your wrist could this be a bone that never completely healed?

It could be. But i had a friend who recently had something similar on his wrist. It ended up being a small sack that filled with fluid. Some people said you could "resolve it" but smashing it with a big book (like a bible/phone book) but, i dont recommend that. He had it drained, only took like an hour long visit.

What to do when your cyst pops?

Clean the area with soap and water, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover it with a clean bandage. Avoid squeezing or picking at the cyst to prevent infection. If the area becomes red, swollen, or painful, seek medical attention.

What type of clothes do a Botanist need to wear?

they need to wear a big hat that protects their eyes from the sun and then other clothes.

Do big girls need big penises?

This is about personal preferences, not the need of a particular size. Most any penis is big enough to get the job done as in impregnating the woman. As for sexual pleasure, this can be a different thing. Big girls might want a bigger penis but men should not think about this as a serious problem. It is not so much about size as it is in the way or movement when performing.