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The previous answer is nonsense. Pit bulls' brains are proportional to their head size, just like every other dog. Syringomyelia is a condition that can cause brain swelling, but it is found in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs, not pit bulls. It is an incredibly painful condition for the unfortunate dogs who must suffer with it, but it does not cause aggression.

Brain swelling leading to aggressive behavior in pit bulls is a myth that was originally attributed to Doberman Pinschers. Neither of these breeds have such a condition.

Pits generally have bigger brains then other dogs.. that is why the dont recommend breeding pits with other breeds.. if the dogs brain is crushed in a smaller skull it can cause it to be mean,

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The size of the cavity with in the skull that it fits! Brain weight and power varies individual to individual.

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72 grams

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Q: What is the size of A Pit-bull's brain?
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