

How big is a thunderstorm?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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There isn't an exact size for a thunderstorm, but they can cover a large area of land. Every thunderstorm is different, and depending on how harsh the weather is and what the environment is like, the thunderstorm may be bigger or smaller.

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It can be 5 to 20 miles across

What do you do in a thunderstorm if there is no shelter?

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no not if it's a big one!

How big is the wind in a thunderstorm?

It varies greatly. Some thunderstorms produce very little wind, while in rage cases, a thunderstorm can produce wind gusts to well over 100 mph.

What clouds determine a pending thunderstorm?

Usually big thick cumulonimbus clounds that are dark wide and thick. Often you wil hear thunder and that is also a good indicator. You should always seek shelter in a thunderstorm.

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A thunderstorm does not strike anything, it is "lightening" that does that.

What does active thunderstorm mean?

An active thunderstorm means that there is currently a thunderstorm in an area indicated. There is probably thunder, lightning, wind, and rain occurring when a thunderstorm is active.

Could you form a sentence with thunderstorm?

Yeah... The thunderstorm caused the power to go out. The thunderstorm startled the dog. The weatherman warned that a thunderstorm was on its way.

What forms a thunderstorm?

The cumulus stage, in which the thunderstorm develops, the mature stage, in which the thunderstorm is most intense, and the dissipating stage, in which the thunderstorm declines and ends.

Can thunderstorms form on cold days?

If a big thunderstorm forms on a snow day, then it would be a blizzard, not a storm because the water drops that the thunderstorm cloud drops will freeze into ice crystal shards and snowflakes, resulting in a snowstorm and/or sleet.