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A bone simulator works by electromagnetic signals, helping non-union of bones join back together again. I had the same problem and it worked a great, you should give it a try.

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Q: How can a bone stimulator help heal broken bones?
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Where online is there description on bone stimulator medical terminology?

Bone simulators, such as Phsio Stim, is a safe, not surgical method helping long bones that are not joint together heal. They are commonly used in situations when bones break after trauma.

What is a remedy for a broken bone?

For most broken bones, a visit to the hospital, a re-setting of the bone, casting, and pain medication will heal the bone over time. In extreme cases, some bones require surgery.

What protects the human bones and repairs broken bones?

The periosteum multiplies to grow and repair bones when they break. If the bone is not set for proper repair by the periosteum, then it will heal as is.

How do broken bones heal?

When the marrow prdouces new cells and reataces the bone it takes about 3 weeks.

Will calcium tablets help heal a broken bone?

yes, it helps to heal the broken bone

What does a bone stimulator do in does it work?

Orthopedists sometimes prescribe bone growth stimulators, typically when a fractured bone fails to heal.

How the broken bone is healthy bone?

heal strong and healther

Does skin heal broken bones?

No. Broken bones need to be repaired through surgery or reset.

How does a cast heal a broken bone?

As cast does not "heal a borken bone," it is a treatment for this type of injury. A cast basically holds the bones together through mechanical engineering techniques. This stabilizes the bones so that they would not move around. Through this, the cells and tissues are able to repair the wound.

How on a cellular level do broken bones heal?

On a cellular level, broken bones first heal by the dislocated bone being pushed together back into place, preferably by a doctor. After that, it initiates the long process comprised of three phases, the reactive phase, the reparative phase, and the remodeling phase.

Are bones living or nonliving?

Bones are living. Think of it this way, if bones weren't "alive", they wouldn't be able to heal if broken. They are made up of cells that heal the wound, the bone is really just a hard shell that keeps you upright and a home for all those cells.

How do bones repair themselve?

Bones are constantly changing and over the course of a year or so, cells called "osteoclasts" break away old bone, replacing it with fresh new bone. So when a bone is broken, your body automatically repairs itself.