

Best Answer

-- The sun's energy doesn't really need to be transferred "around the globe",

because every point on the globe is on a direct line of sight from the sun for

exactly 50% of the time.

-- Solar energy is transferred from place to place, however, by the large-scale

motions of heated and cooled air masses, referred to technically as "wind".

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Water at the oceans surface absorbs energy from the sun currents carry this energy to cool regions

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Q: How can a convection current transfer energy around the globe?
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Is convection current kinetic energy before transferring?

In a convection current the kinetic energy will most likely be a small part of the total as the rate of flow won't be very high. Most heat transfer in convection will be simply thermal energy transfer, ie from a warmer place to a cooler one.

What is convection transfer of energy?

Convection transfer of energy is the process by which heat is transferred through a fluid (liquid or gas) due to the movement of the fluid itself. Hot fluid rises and cold fluid sinks, creating a continuous circulation that transfers heat. This method of energy transfer is common in liquids and gases, such as in the heating of a room using a radiator.

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The circular motion of liquids or gases due to density differences while undergoing convection is known as a convection current The transfer of what form of energy leads to convection currents?

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It's not an energy transfer. It creates a convection current though.

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Convection is the mode of heat transfer, referring to the transfer of heat energy due to bulk motion of a fluid."Convection current" is the name of that bulk motion of the fluid, the transfer of MASS. I prefer to call it buoyantly driven flow. It doesn't flow due to convection, convection is due to if flowing. It flows due to buoyancy in the case of free convection.Peyton

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The movement of matter due to differences in density and the transfer of energy that results from this movement is called convection.

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Mode of energy transfer in fluids is convection.

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In both cases, heat is transferred via convection.

How does heat transfer energy?

draughts transfer heat energy through convection

What is the transfer of energy your electromagnetic energy called?

The transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic radiation. This includes forms of energy such as visible light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays that travel through space at the speed of light.

Is a convection current the same as a convection?

Yes. Convection is a type of energy and a convection current is, well, the phrase for its currents. So yeah, convection and convection current are the same.