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A coating of cartilage covering the bone surface stops the bones from rubbing directly against each other. This helps the joint to work smoothly.

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Q: How can bones move freely at a joint overa lifetime without wearing out?
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If there were no freely movable joints in the body, then our bones cannot bend and stretch and we would have become like a statue.

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What is the most common type of cartilage found between bones in freely moveable?

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How many bones are broke in the human body in a lifetime?

the average amount of bones broke in a humans life time is a rounded estimate of 2.37

What is that cracking sound?

In your bones is where two bones don't move freely and get stuck so they crack when moved you shouldn't do it though as it can bring problem in the near by future

Why is fluid important between bones?

Synovial fluid is important between the bones because it helps reduce the friction between the bones. This fluid also lets a person move his joints more freely.

Can you move your bodies without bones?

There are animals that can move their bodies without bones, for instance worms and insects have no bones.

What do you think it would be like to have no bones in our body?

with out bones we have no shape.