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Chlorine can enter fresh water sources through discharges from industrial activities, wastewater treatment plants, and agricultural runoff. It can also enter water sources through the use of chlorine-based disinfectants in water treatment processes.

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Q: How can chlorine enter fresh water sources?
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How does chlorine enter fresh water sources?

Chlorine can enter fresh water sources through the process of chlorination, where chlorine is added to the water as a disinfectant to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens. It can also enter fresh water sources through industrial discharges and runoff from areas where chlorine-based products are used or produced.

Describe two sources of fresh water?

The sources of fresh water include the glaciers, springs and rainfall.

What are the main sources of fresh water on land?

The main sources of fresh water on land are snow and rain which fall as precipitation.

What are the sources of fresh water on earth?


Where is salt water found on earth and where is fresh water found?

Most of the rivers, lakes, ponds, glaciers are all fresh water sources and seas and oceans are salt water sources.

What sources of water are fresh?

some sources of fresh water are, lakes, rivers, streams, canals, some glaciers, springs, ponds, and maybe some other sources that i am not remembering.

Which are the main sources for fresh water?

The main sources of fresh water are as follows : 1) Rain 2) Ground water 3) rivers 4) ponds 5) lakes etc.

Of the total water on the earth fresh water reserves constitute approximately?

Fresh water reserves constitute about 2.5-2.75% of the total water on Earth.

Is fresh water the same as clean water?

Fresh water refers to water with low levels of salinity, typically found in rivers, lakes, and groundwater sources. Clean water, on the other hand, refers to water that is free from pollutants, contaminants, and impurities. Fresh water can be clean if it is free from contaminants, but not all fresh water sources are necessarily clean.

What percent of fresh water is in an iceberg?

Approximately 68.7% of Earth's fresh water is stored in icebergs. This makes icebergs one of the largest sources of fresh water on the planet.

What is a fresh water swimming pool?

A fresh water swimming pool is a swimming pool that does not use a saltwater chlorinator. A pool that used a salt water chlorinator has salt added to it to so that a salt water chlorinator can electronically convert part of the salt into chlorine. A fresh water pool has chlorine added to it directly either manually or Automatically.

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