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certain clouds mean certain things

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23h ago

The appearance of clouds can provide clues about upcoming weather patterns. For example, dark, towering clouds might indicate an approaching storm, while fluffy white clouds can suggest fair weather. By observing changes in cloud cover, thickness, and movement, individuals can make informed predictions about potential weather conditions.

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Q: How can clouds seen from the ground help people predict the weather?
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Why is it important to control weather?

Really we can't control it. We predict it to keep people safe.

How does a weather man tell the temperature?

A weather man tells the weather by doing a lot of tests on earth and also sending up weather balloons so hecan do more tests to see what the weather is going to be.

How did people of central Africa predict the weather?

by observing the orientation of the crescent Moon relative to the horizon

How can you predict rain?

Weather forecasters take a look at surface data, upper air data, surface maps, and upper air maps to make a weather forecast. Satellite observations of weather systems are also used. Separate weather instruments used to forecast weather are barometers (which measure air pressure) thermometers (to measure temperatures) anemometer (to measure wind speed) hydrometers (to measure humidity) and more. It is rather difficult to predict the weather. The answer above is how meteorologists used to try and predict weather patterns. It was a very crude method. Today meteorologists use numerical equations and algorithms solved by super-computers to predict the weather. A fairly good method of forecasting can come from pattern recognition. Persons who have lived in an area for a very long time can usually tell you what it will be like tomorrow. This is from years of pattern recognition which is also called climatology.

How do people who study weather use geography?

To study and describe weather you have to use geography, because weather doesn't happen in isolation. Weather is rain falling on the mountains, or the plains, or the oceans. You always say where it is. Geography also affects the weather. A range of hills means that clouds approaching them are forced to rise. Rising clouds usually drop their rain, which is why the windward sides of mountains are usually wetter than the leeward sides.

Related questions

When would you use probability in everyday life?

Weather people use probability to predict weather in the future based on passed recent weather and by clouds and winds

What do people predict?

People make predictions based on past experiences, trends, data analysis, and intuition in order to anticipate future outcomes or events. These predictions can range from short-term weather forecasts to long-term economic trends or even personal decisions about relationships or career choices. It's important to note that predictions are not always accurate and can be influenced by various factors.

How the basic weather elements affect weather?

in the earky times,people had no scientific ways to determine the weather . they had to rely onthe clouds to predict short-term weather changes they believed severe weather cond. were cause by annoyed or malevolent divinities

What is the hardest thing to predict about weather?

The hardest thing to predict about weather according to most scientist is winter. However, weather is generally hard to predict and most people have to keep guessing.

What do you call people who predict the weather?


How do you use almanac in a sentence?

the weather people use the almanac to predict the weather.

Why ancient people study the stars?

To predict the weather.

How do satellites make predictions?

That's not the way it works. Satellites photograph such atmospheric phenomena as cloud movement. Weather forecasters watch as the clouds move, generally from west to east although hurricane clouds move across the Atlantic from eas to west. As they see the weather approaching an area, they can PREDICT how the weather will be based on how fast it's moving. Just like you can see a car coming down the street at a steady rate of speed, you can predict how long it will take for the car to run you down. You get out of the way -- people take cover form bad weather.

What objects are founds in troposphere?

People, planes and weather clouds

What do meteorologist do for a livivng?

They throw meteors at people They predict the weather with barometers, squeeglyspooches weather balloons, etc.

What is the weather like in the British isles?

the weather can be weird one momet or another people that is not a weather person can't predict the weather. akaylia palmer from copthall school

Why is it important to control weather?

Really we can't control it. We predict it to keep people safe.