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I am an AP student who gets somewhere from 2 to 6.5 hours of sleep each night during the school week. With school, homework, and familial obligations, it can't always be helped. Sit in a hard-backed chair with your books on a table in front of you. Keep the TV on to a show that is amusing, but you don't have to watch. Keep it on low, so it is not too distracting, but provides noise. (Try an old comedy or a late-night show. You don't watch it like you would a drama and they tend to be loud. Steer clear of music. It tends to be more distracting.) Make a strong pot of coffee. Eat some healthy, crunchy snacks. If you are losing focus, do a few push-ups or move to a new location. This will both increase your blood-flow and change your perspective. Create a to-do list and dedicate yourself to one task at a time.

It takes a while to get used to this, but it is possible. In 8th grade, 11:00 was late for me. Last year, my first AP class got me used to about 1:00 AM. Now, I can make myself do just about anything. Do watch out for your health, and always try to catch up on sleep whenever you can (weekends, especially breaks and snow days). Managing your sleep and learning how to put up with a lack of it is a valuable life skill for high school, college, and career.

One last tip: Find out if you are a night owl or a morning person. For some, it is easier to stay up late and for others it is best to get up early.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Homework should not interfere with your sleep, however, if you are an anxious person, you might lose sleep worrying. Also, if you leave your work until the last second, you might lose sleep trying to finish it. The best way is to have a set time to do homework every day before you get ready for bed, and get the work out of your way so that you can do fun things afterwards. If you have so much homework that it is taking all of your time from school to bedtime, then you should talk to your teachers and figure out a way to get the work done in less time.

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10y ago

Many kids have problems because they're not mature enough yet to make themselves do a boring task and get it over with. Other than that, homework is just a way to practice what you're studying and to get an extra grade for class.

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10y ago

Homework blocks your entire way to fitness (unless your parents let you play outside for a bit). It affects your health because you don't earn any muscles for doing homework. When you exercise, you use up the calories and fat. When you don't exercise, you get fatter.

This is the same argument for not sitting around watching TV, playing Video Games, and Surfing on the internet. Everything is OK in moderation - do your homework and get some exercise too.

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12y ago

Well to me, homework affects a person mentally because it causes you to use your brain and helps you expand on things you have learned in class. It affects you emotionally because it can be stressful. You have to put aside time to complete it which helps with time management. It can also help you socially because it brings people together when you study or help others with their questions.

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13y ago

Homework is an important part of your school. Here's how it might impact your life:

  • Doing your work helps you learn more, make better grades, and become smarter
  • NOT doing your work makes you unprepared, results in poor grades, gives you anxiety because you know you're unprepared, and ends in you not knowing how to do the work at all
  • Doing your work impresses your teachers and makes people respect you
  • NOT doing your work makes people think you're a slacker and you won't ever work hard
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10y ago

It's not more important, but it is important to get enough sleep so you can do your homework effectively. You still need to do the work, though.

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