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Theoretically it cannot as destructive interference between incoherant wave trains occur (i.e. photons are released spontaneously)

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Q: How can incandescent light be made coherent?
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Can a laser be made from a light bulb?

No. Laser light is coherent. Light bulb light is not.

How is laser light different from incandescent light?

The intensity of light from most light sources is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. So the intensity two meters from an incandescent lamp is one quarter of the intensity at one meter, and at three meters from the lamp the intensity is one ninth of the intensity at one meter. Laser light ideally has the same intensity at any distance.

Who was the light bulb made by?

The incandescent electric light bulb was invented by Thomas A. Edison.

Is poly chromatic light can be coherent?

Coherent light (like a laser) is a single frequency. Polychromatic light is, by definiation, multiple frequencies and cannot be coherent.

What is incandescent light bulb?

An incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe is an electric light which produces light with a wire filament heated to a high temperature by an electric current passing through it, until it glows.

What is a device that produce coherent light?

The name of the device that produces coherent light is LASER.

What is a device producing a coherent light?

The name of the device that produces coherent light is LASER.

What is coherent light?

Coherent light is light in which the electric and magnetic fields are perfectly synchronized and oscillate in phase with each other. This results in a single wavelength and direction, allowing the light waves to constructively interfere and produce a uniform, focused beam. Laser light is an example of coherent light.

What is the coil made of in incandescent light bulbs?

It is made of tungsten, a metal with a very high melting point.

Who made incandescent light bulb?

Thomas Edison made the first operating incandescent light bulb. But in 1800, Humphrey Davy invented the electric light. It didn't last long, and was not a bulb, though. Arc lights later became popular, but again, were not in a bulb.

How did the incandescent light bulb change life?

it made it so people can see in the dark.

How do you produce two coherent sources of light?

To produce two coherent sources of light, you can use a laser to create a beam of light with a single frequency and direction. By splitting the laser beam into two using a beamsplitter, you can then generate two coherent sources of light that have the same frequency and phase relationship.