

How can people see sun spots?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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First of all you should have eye protection and then project an image of the Sun through a telescope or binoculars onto a white screen -- paper plates, walls and sidewalks all work nicely. On the screen you should see a bright circle of light. This is the disc of the Sun. Adjust the distance between the screen and the telescope until the disk is about the size of a small paper plate. The image will probably be blurred; focus your telescope until the circle becomes sharp. Using this method you can see considerable detail in and around sunspot groups.

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they are burnt out spots on the sun so they are dark but from where we see it it is a big bright yellow sun

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go see a dermotologist

How do people look at sun spots?

solar telescopes.

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Sun spots.

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sun spots are cooler parts of the sun

What are sun spots on the sun?

the sun spots like black little spots on the sun that explode every 11 years

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Saturn may or may not have Saturn spots. Only the sun has sun spots.

What is called the dark spots of the sun?

sun spots

How many sun spots in the sun?

Sun spots are not permanent, therefore it depends.

Visible dark spots on the sun are called?

We call them sunspots, but dark and cool are relative terms. A sunspot is dark only relative to the surrounding solar surface, but still intensely bright compared to your common household light bulb. It's cooler than the surrounding solar material, but still hot enough to vaporize a spaceship and anyone inside it in a fraction of a second.

Are sun spots hotter or colder than adjacent parts of the sun?

Sun spots are colder than adjacent parts of the sun.

What color are sun spots?

Sun spots are just cooler regions of the Sun's surface, so they appear darker. A simplistic answer is that they are just a darker hue of the normal colour of the Sun. A more detailed answer is that they are all different, depending on the visual perceptual property and who the observer is - as all observers will see a different value depending on their spectral sensitivity. See the related link of a sun spot, and draw your own conclusions.