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You are talking about "heart failure". There are two kinds. Edema (swelling) in the feet happens when the heart is having trouble pumping blood out of the body and to the lungs for oxygenation. Because of this, fluids build up in the extremities. Sometimes the heart has trouble pumping blood out of the lungs and back into the body's general circulation. In this case the build-up of fluid is in the lungs.

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When the heart becomes weak it can't pump blood against gravity as well. Need to exercise and get the legs moving which causes muscles to squeeze blood back to heart. Otherwise it just pools up and swells.

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Q: How can people with heart condition suffer swollen feet?
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if due to high uric acid, may need a morphine injection Answer You need to see a doctor. If you have not injured our foot, a swollen foot or swollen feet can indicate a heart condition, among other medical conditions. Either way, you should see a doctor to determine what the cause is.

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