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Q: How can teachers cope with crises and group problems?
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What is the birth name of Kit Cope?

Kit Cope's birth name is Kristopher Cope.

What nicknames does Coryn Cope go by?

Coryn Cope goes by Scooter.

When was Jack Cope - cricketer - born?

Jack Cope - cricketer - was born in 1908.

When was Kenneth Cope - musician - born?

Kenneth Cope - musician - was born in 1961.

When did Arthur Stockdale Cope die?

Arthur Stockdale Cope died in 1940.

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Definition of social group work?

Social group work is a method of social work which helps individuals to enhance their social functioning through purposeful group experiences, and to cope more effectively with their personal, group or community problems

Is it true that teachers suck?

No. Think about it how would you cope with teaching someone like you.

How do people cope with the problems caused by ice?

they melt it !

What is a COPE therapy?

COPE stands for "creating options and perspectives for everyday," and is used to help adolescents think through their problems without overracting.

What is social functioning?

Socialization helps one to release stress and other mental problems. it also helps in good character formation in the individuals

What is learning to cope with problems such as a lack of facilities or inadequate equipment?

Overcoming Barriers

What pressure do adolescent have to cope with?

pressure from their parents and teachers to do well pressure from their peers to fit in pressure that they put on themselves as to how they think they should be

How do you cope mentally with losing your job?

you find someone you trust to help you with money problems and look after you.

How can individual cope up with emotional and mental health problems?

It depends on the kind of such problems. If they are light and caused by stress, problems at work and in family, one can cope with them dealind with real-life problems, having enough rest and sleep, readind specific litherature... But if the emotional and mental health problems are strong, it's better to consult a psychologist or even psycheatrist. Best regards, Chernishov Nikolay.

Should teachers be replaced by robots?

It would be improbable, since robots are not nearly advanced enough to cope with the needs of 30 odd pubescent school children. Heck, I doubt many teachers are unprepared in that category to, I know I am.

How do single parents cope with study and home schooling their child and working?

There are online charter schools that have teachers to help and require very little parent interaction

What does it mean to be a strong person?

Strong people are those who have the ability to cope with difficult problems, without becoming overwhelmed by them.