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The force table is a tool that allows for the experimental demonstration of vector addition using the principle of equilibrium. By applying forces at various angles on the force table, the resultant force can be determined by adjusting the magnitudes and directions of the forces until the force table reaches equilibrium. This demonstrates how multiple forces acting on an object can be combined to produce a single resultant force.

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Q: How can the force table be used to demonstrate the addition of vectors using the principle of equilibrium?
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Vector addition does not follow the familiar rules of addition as applied to addition of numbers. However, if vectors are resolved into their components, the rules of addition do apply for these components. There is a further advantage when vectors are resolved along orthogonal (mutually perpendicular) directions. A vector has no effect in a direction perpendicular to its own direction.

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Velocity addition is used when dealing with two objects moving at different velocities relative to each other. It helps calculate the combined velocity of the objects when seen from a different reference frame.

What' does the addition of two vectors give you?

In vector addition, the sum of two (or more) vectors will give a resultant vector. There are a number of sites that will help you with tutorials. A link to one can be found below.

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Is the order of addition important when three or more vectors are added?

No it has no effect.

How can vectors be added in either order?

Addition is commutative, A + B = B + A.