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Work = change in Kinetic Energy

Because friction acts in the opposite direction of the motion of an object, kinetic energy must be decreased in order to maintain the above equation. Friction opposes motion. Friction converts the kinetic energy of a particle into heat and sound.

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3d ago

The work-kinetic energy theorem states that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. When sliding friction acts on a particle, it does negative work by exerting a force opposite to the particle's direction of motion. This negative work reduces the particle's kinetic energy, as the work done by sliding friction converts the kinetic energy into other forms of energy, such as heat.

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Q: How can the work-kinetic energy theorem explain why the force of sliding friction reduces the kinetic energy of a particle?
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Which type of kinetic fiction is usually greater sliding kinetic friction or rolling kinetic friction?

Sliding Kinetic Friction is usually greater than Rolling Kinetic Friction. Sliding Kinetic Friction is caused by two objects being dragged together, providing more opportunity for the objects' microscopic hills and valleys to catch.

What are the 2kinds of friction?

The two types of friction are static friction and kinetic friction. Static friction occurs when two surfaces are at rest relative to each other, while kinetic friction occurs when two surfaces are in motion relative to each other.

If the law of conservation of energy says energy can't be created or destroyed where does the kinetic energy at the particle level get transferred?

If a moving object slows down due to friction, its kinetic energy gets converted to kinetic energy of individual particles - that is, the objects involved in the friction, and the surroundings, heat up.

Is kinetic friction the hardest friction to overcome?

No, static friction is generally stronger than kinetic friction.

What is kinetic friction and sliding friction?

Kinetic friction is the friction that arises between surfaces in relative motion. Sliding friction is the friction that occurs when an object slides over a surface.

How is static friction and kinetic friction differ from each other?

Static friction occurs when an object is at rest on a surface, preventing it from moving. Kinetic friction occurs when an object is already in motion on a surface, resisting its motion. Static friction is usually stronger than kinetic friction.

Why kinetic friction is less than sliding friction?

there is more surface area contact with kinetic friction as opposed to sliding friction

When a body slides over a surface the kinetic friction and static friction related as?

Kinetic friction is the friction that applies when an object is moving; static friction is the friction that applies when the object is not moving. Static friction must always be greater than, or equal to, kinetic friction.

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What is the force that keeps you from sliding on an icy sidewalk kinetic friction static friction?

The force that keeps you from sliding on an icy sidewalk is static friction. Static friction acts when two surfaces are in contact with each other but not moving relative to one another. Once you start moving, the force of kinetic friction takes over to oppose the motion.

What is sliding kinetic friction?

Sliding kinetic friction is when two moving (kinetic) objects rub (slide) against each other, creating friction. Sliding friction creates heat, unlike rolling or fluid friction.

Sliding kinetic friction or rolling kinetic friction?

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