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oxygen or paroxide

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Q: How can turn a yellow bleach stain white on a wool carpet?
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What is the best way to clean cat urine out of carpet?

Do your best and then bleach the stain if your carpet is white.

How do you clean glow stick goo out of carpet?

You can get stain carpet remover and it comes out perfectly and if you don't have that try soap and water if that doesn't work then if your carpet is white you can use bleach but only if your carpet is white!!

You had an area rug on white carpet the carpet is yellowed under the rug now how can you remove the yellow colored stain?

Try Oxy Clean.

How do you get large bleach spill out of carpet?

To clean a large bleach spill on carpet, first, blot as much of the bleach as possible using paper towels or cloth. Avoid rubbing or spreading the stain further. Mix a solution of one part white vinegar and three parts water, then apply it to the stained area. Blot the area with a clean cloth until the stain is lifted, and repeat if necessary. Rinse the area with cold water and blot dry. If the stain persists, consult a professional carpet cleaner.

How do you remove wood stain from fiberglass shower floors with a matte finish?

I don't know about fiberglass but I got wood stain on my nearly-white carpet and it came right up using hydrogen peroxide. It didn't bleach out the carpet either! Hope that helps.

You spilled bleach on your white carpet it yellowed How do you get it back to white?

Try diaper wipes-they get every stain up(some require more scrubbing than others) sincerely,pianoplayer

How do you remove yellow stain on white hat?

use yellow stain on white hat remover

How do you remove yellow bleach stains from white shirts?

to yellow stains out of white shirts to use ultra stain removerAs a man I like to have white shirts and so when I do white laundry I make sure to wash my whites in cold water onlywhen using bleach-- Bleach works best in cold water this is just the way the chemical is meant to work.

Will white vinegar eliminate bleach fumes from carpet?

It probably won't. I used too much bleach to get a stain out of my carpet and my carpet hasn't stopped fuming for over a month. I called Stanley Steemer to see if they could help me and they said there's no way to get bleach out of carpet, the carpet is just ruined. I also read here: that vinegar and bleach is a deadly mix, so I would seriously suggest not using white vinegar on a carpet with bleach on it. It probably won't help and will just create more deadly fumes.

How do you get yellow stains out of a White Christmas tree Christmas tree?

You could try a bleach pen on each needle if the stain's not too big.

What are the best products used for white carpet cleaning?

The best products to use for white carpet cleaning is probably not straight bleach, since bleach can sometimes damage. Look for products that may include bleach but that say safe for carpet.

What causes white spots in stain?

generally bleach is what causes white stains in clothing.