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Chemical weathering. Ground water originates as rain acidified slightly by absorbed atmospheric carbon-dioxide, sometimes enhanced by organic acids from the soil. In flowing through the joints & other discontinuities in limestone, it dissolves the calcium carbonate that is the rock's primary constituent, to form conduits from sink to rising (spring).

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Q: How can water erosion by groundwater form a cave?
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Cave a hole and pour millions of gallons of water :)

How does ground water cause erosion?

1 Running water on the surface of the earth erodes the land. Groundwater also can cause erosion under the surface. As water flows through the soil, acid is formed. This acid can cause minerals to be dissolved.2 Minerals that are carried in groundwater can also be deposited in other places. This cycle of erosion and deposition can cause underground caves to form. This happens especially in areas where there is limestone below the surface.3 A cave is an underground opening. It has a connection to the surface of the earth. A cave is formed by the erosion of limestone under the ground. The acid water moves through the cracks in the limestone and makes them larger.

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As this water flows it does the work of both erosion and deposition. You will ... Figure 10.1: As rivers and streams move towards the ocean, they carry weathered materials. ... As groundwater leaches through layers of soil and rock, minerals dissolve and are carried away. .... If this happens in water, a river may form a delta.

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The water bashes against the rock and throws little rocks at the big rock eroding away the big rock causing a cave x

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The three things that form erosion are sand, water, and other rocks.

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What's the most significant type of erosion?

hydraulic action.

What causes stalactites and stalagmites to form?

Precipitation of calcium carbonate as its crystalline form, calcite, extracted from the limestone above the cave by solution in naturally slightly acid ground-water.

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How long does it take for a stack to form?

a long time. Acid rain and other erosion methods erode the rock to form a cave then an arch then a stack