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There are many ways to get popular. One way is to be the class clown. A few others are hanging out with popular people, be the smarty-pants and really all you need to do is be yourself and sooner or later, some people will know you. Those people might introduce you to other people and then again until you are as popular as you want to be!

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13y ago
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12y ago

Middle school or any other school is difficult because everybody is worried about the same thing: How popular am I? How many friends do I have? Are my friends "cool" enough? It is easy to think that you do not hold up well against others, or are somehow inadequate, but remember, these are usually misconceptions, no matter how powerful they may seem to you. Almost everybody has these worries, so you're not alone. Here is some help.

Here are 10 tips:

1. You don't really need to try hard to be popular, all you have to do is just say hi to everyone and be kind so people can count on you. I know it sounds 'like whatever' but trust me it works.

2.Be everyone's best friend. This doesn't mean you have to sit by them at lunch every day or walk with them in the hall. It would work best if you sit with one group because people may not like you "hopping" tables

3.Join a team. This is a good way to meet many different people, and they'll probably like you a lot more. You build basic teamwork with others, which will make them a lot more comfortable around you. Just try and be a good friend (even if certain people seem "impossible").

4.Be confident about yourself. Live your life how you want it and have fun with it. Be beautiful and feel beautiful. If you are unhappy with your appearance, it is always possible to change small things to make yourself feel better without investing a lot of money. You could get a haircut if you are bored of your hair. You want to show what a beautiful person you are on the inside and out. Taking care of yourself is always good for your confidence too. Flaunt your fashion and express your style, but make changes carefully.

5.Be nice, and friendly. No one wants to be friends with someone who is mean or ugly on the inside. Many people are afraid of the same things you are, even the most confident people are afraid of some things inside. Being friendly to everybody shows that you are happy with yourself, and being happy with yourself is the fastest way to become popular.

6.Try to exchange emails and cell phone numbers. This way, you can chat online or text, making it easier to establish new friendships. You might become friends faster online than talking face to face!

7.Compliment people. Everyone likes to be around someone who makes them feel good. If you're shy, just start a conversation by saying, "Oh, hey Emily, I love your bracelet!" Once you get going, say something about yourself to show that you can poke fun at yourself like, "I don't know how you could walk up in front of the whole assembly like that. I can hardly walk upstairs without falling back down!" Smile politely, and listen to what others have to say.

Don't judge. Although it seems like the most popular people judge others all the time, popularity starts with acceptance and being interested in other people, not just in how they dress or who they hang out with. Don't be afraid to hang out with nerds, or anyone 'different' than you. People will respect you and know you're a nice person.

8.Get a hobby, if you do not already have one. People who do things instead of worrying about popularity all the time are more interesting, and you will find people coming to you if you have a hobby to talk about.

Do your best in school. Just answer questions if you know them, and don't if you don't know them! Don't be a know-it-all. Have your homework done every day. Don't be the one who has to just sit there looking like a fool or who holds up class with lame explanations.

9.Do something nobody else would ever think of doing. If your school has a talent show, then do something so out of the ordinary that your peers will admire you for having the guts to do that on stage. Just remember that being different doesn't mean being inappropriate. You don't want to make a fool out of yourself and lose the respect of others. Care for others, and they will care for you. Treat them as you would like to be treated

10.Get to Know Kids From Other Schools. You don't just have to keep your popularity "school wide" If other people hear about your other friends or if you introduce your other friends to them then they'll know that a lot of kids want to be your friend

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13y ago

You really don't have to 'get' popular, people just like your character and want to hang out with you. If you hate everyone and you're really mean, there's not a big chance you're going to get popular. The biggest chance to get popular is how people like your character.

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14y ago

Well, fellow high schooler. Heres the trick to become popular. First, kick out your geeky best friends and take out those neon scrunchies! Get off of the couch and show a little love! Don't be afraid to kiss your gerbal a couple of times! (Boys find it amazing-great way to test feelings for one another!) After that is done, find some cheese in a can and donate it to the popular lunch table for a snack. They sure do love canned goods! After that is done, find some cheese in a can and donate it to the popular lunch table for a snack. They sure do love canned goods! Popular kids also love purple hair with a hint of green highlights. It makes their taste buds go insane! Try it! So to wrap this shindig up, you must remember to not be yourself. Go crazy! Go bananas! Go ballastic! Be who YOU want to be! Woohoo girlfriend! Pretend to be someone else! It really works (until they found out who you really are and ship you to Montgomery!)

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13y ago

You can wear awesome and cute clothes but you also have to be noticeable.Act peppy and positive!Don't be shy!EXCITED NOT HYPER!You can have an attitude if you want to be kinda mean

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11y ago

OK, so all you have to do is be friends with a popular girl/boy. Then, you will start building up with the populars

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11y ago

be yourself know matter what happens in life

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10y ago

The last thing you should try do is to be popular at school. Just be yourself you will be far happier and have better chance of finding true friends.

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13y ago

join team sports, and date a cheerleader

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Be confident ! If your friendly with everyone you'll become popular among them .You will still be popular even if your not the coolest kid at school.

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well learning how to spell popular would be a start!

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How do I become popular in my school?

You do not have to be popular jus be yourself dont be trying to be popular if they dont like who you are than who cares what other people think of you.........

How do you become popular at your school at age 10?

i became popular at a new school by knowing alot of people and being mean even having 23 boy freinds

You are a semi popular girl who hangs out with a lot of semi and popular people and on Facebook a random popular kid from another school adds you are you going to become popular?

Sorry to say this, but... probably not. There is a very low chance that you are going to become popular.If you are in middle school or elementary school, the chances are higher, because if that random popular kid is going to go to the same middle/high school that you are going to go to, and you two become friends, you will most likely be accepted and become popular.If you are in a high school, the chances are pretty much zero, due to the fact that after high school, becoming popular is being stalked by the media (paparazzi), and really becoming famous (like television famous), since 'popularity' doesn't exist in colleges or universities.

How could i become more popular at school without changing?

be your self and hang out with them they just might want to become your friends