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Q: How can you change degrees into watts?
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11320 watts equals how many kilowatts?

To change watts into kilowatts, always divide by 1000. So 11320 watts = 11.320 Kilowatts

How much is 200 watts in degrees?

The answer to this question is more scientific / mathematical then simple, in terms of questions this one refers to kelvin/watts to degrees. the simplest (not always right) answer is 40.83c or 105.5f the formula is: degrees = [(W x T) / G] x shc W = watts T = time G = grams shc = specific heat capacity This will calculate for degrees centigrade, do a search in google to find the specific heat capacity of what you are calculating for and you will get a better answer

A substance has a temperature change from 20 degrees celsius to 45 degrees celsius. This corresponds to what temperature change in Fahrenheit degrees?

20 degrees Celsius is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. 45 degrees Celsius is 113 degrees Fahrenheit. So 25 degrees change Celsius = 25 x 1.8 = 45 degrees Fahrenheit. 1 degree change in Celsius is equivalent to 1.8 degrees change in Fahrenheit. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of Temperature Units".

How many watts is required to heat 1 gallon of water from 50 degrees F to 180 degrees F?

"Watt" is a rate of moving energy. The more watts you use, the faster the waterwill heat up. The fewer watts you use, the slower it will heat. If you can affordthe time to wait, then any amount of power will do the job, no matter how small.

What is the change in degrees Celsius equal to change of 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit?

A change of 7.2 degrees F x 5/9 = a 4 degree change in C

How many watts are there in 2400 kilowatts?

To change kilowatts to watts multiply by 1000.2400 kilowatts=2400,000 watts or 2,400,000 watts.If you meant how many kilowatts in 2400 wattsthen this is 2.4 kilowatts

What is the temperature change between 75 degrees and 45 degrees?

Its a change of 300

6.3 degrees Fahrenheit temperature rise is equal to how many degrees celsius?

change of 6.3 degrees F = change of 6.3*5/9 = change of 3.5 degrees C

What is the change in temperature from 11 degrees to 100 degrees?

+89 degrees

How many degrees will cause the room temperature to rise if the watts are 75 degrees?

The question is so hopelessly confused that I can't even make an answerable question out of what's there.

What is the tempertaure change if it was 22 degrees celsius and dropped to -6 degrees celsius?


How many watts do 1 hertz have?

They're entirely different entities and don't compare like that at all. Watts is power, and Hertz is rate of change.