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There is no simple way of doing it in Excel. It would take long and complex formulas. There is a function called MOD which will give you the remainder when you divide a number into another one. If a number is a factor, then it will return zero. To check for a Prime number you would have to use it lots of times on the same number, which is not really practical. It is better to do it in a computer program. Even now, mathematicians are still finding new prime numbers, so it is a complex process, and well beyond what is practical to do in Excel.

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Q: How can you check if a number is prime in Excel?
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You divide the number by 2. If the number is able to divide WITHOUT a remainder, then it is a prime number. If you divide a number by 1, you will get the same number. That is not a prime number.

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A prime number is any number that only has one and itself as factors. Threfore, any number taht has more than two factors is not prime. Check the the factors of a number to tell if it is prime or not.

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A prime number is any number that only has one and itself as factors. Therefore, any number that has more than two factors is not prime. Check the the factors of a number to tell if it is prime or not.

Not a prime number?

A prime number is any number that only has one and itself as factors. Threfore, any number taht has more than two factors is not prime. Check the the factors of a number to tell if it is prime or not.

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A prime number is any number that only has one and itself as factors. Therefore, any number that has more than two factors is not prime. Check the the factors of a number to tell if it is prime or not.

How can you tell whether za number is prime?

A number is prime if it only has two distinct factors.