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Q: How can you contact Max Martin?
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What is Max Martin's birthday?

Max Martin was born on February 26, 1971.

When was Max Martin born?

Max Martin was born on February 26, 1971.

When was Martin Max born?

Martin Max was born on 1968-08-07.

When did Max-Martin Teichert die?

Max-Martin Teichert died on 1943-05-12.

When was Max-Martin Teichert born?

Max-Martin Teichert was born on 1915-01-31.

How old is Max Martin?

Max Martin is 40 years old (birthdate: February 26, 1971).

What has the author Max Martin Brehm written?

Max Martin Brehm has written: 'Mit dem Bundeskanzler in USA' 'Wie verzaubert'

Who wrote the music dynamite?

Max Martin and Bonnie McKee

How can you get in contact with Martin Scorsese?

Well, like this.

Who are pinks cowrighters?

Butch Walker, Max Martin, Shelback, Dr. Luke,

What actors and actresses appeared in Max und Moritz - 2006?

The cast of Max und Moritz - 2006 includes: Martin Danisch as Moritz

Did Martin had children?

yes,he has three children max,laura,and martin