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Wave length = speed / frequency

A Detailed Explanation:

Terms and definitions:

l = Wave length: It is the distance in meters of one wave cycle (m)

f = Frequency: The amount of cycles per second (Hz)

v = Speed of propagation: The distance the wave can travel in a unit of time (m/s)

t = Time in seconds (s)

d = Distance in meter (m) between two points

- 3*10^8m/s will be used as the speed of light instead of the standard 2.9979*10^8m/s

- When I write f(Hz) or use similar notation, ( ) means the unit of measure, Ex. it means Frequency in Hertz

- * will be used as the symbol for multiplication

- [ ] will be used for comments


l = v * t [meter = meter * second / second]

Since frequency is only the reciprocal of period time.

Thus f = 1 / t

l = v / f

We can also say,

v = l * f

f = v / l

Sound in standard air pressure = 331.3 m/s

[may vary between 331.3 to 331.7 depending on the assumptions during the tests we will use 331.3 m/s at 0°C with air density of 1.2922kg/m3]

Light or Radio = 300 000 000 m/s [for our purpose]

Radio wave length (m)

l = 300 000 000 / f(Hz)

l = 300 / f(MHz)

Ex. A 2.4GHz radio frequency will have a wavelength of l = 300 / 2400 = 0.125meter

Audio wave length (m)

l = 331.3 / f(Hz)

Ex. A 1kHz audio frequency in standard air pressure will have a wave length of l = 331.3/1000 = 0.331 meter

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Latency normally goes together with speed of propagation of the wave. Latency means the time it takes for a wave to travel from one point to another.

Seconds = meter / (meter / second)

t = d / v

Ex. A radio wave will take t = 100 000 / 3*10^8 = 0.33ms to travel 100km

Ex. The sun is 1.49*10^11 meter away, it will take 1.49*10^11 / 3*10^8 = 496.6s = 8.27 minutes for the light [image of] to rich the earth.

Ex. A space object is 1 light-year away from us. It will take 1 * 365.25[days] * 24[hrs] * 60[min] * 60[sec] = 31 557 600s for light to travel 1 light-year.

The distance will be d = t * v = 31 557 600 * 3*10^8 = 9 467 billion km

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