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This is not an effective way to teach a parrot to imitate sounds. It's more like a good way to annoy your parrot. Parrots learn to imitate sounds that they find interesting or that produce entertaining results. This is why you will often find birds that imitate telephone or doorbell rings (they find it hilarious when you rush to answer it). If you want a parrot to imitate a certain sound, you need to make it rewarding for the parrot. Start out by rewarding the bird for paying attention when you talk to him. Gradually move toward pairing the treat with the word or short phrase you want her to repeat. Eventually, most birds catch on and will begin to associate that noise with the tasty treat, and will try to imitate the word to see if that results in a treat. It's important to remember that parrots, although they are certainly not as mentally complex as humans, are thinking creatures and not push-button machines. Training a parrot has a lot to do with your relationship with her. A parrot who likes you and enjoys spending time with you and playing games (learning sounds is a game for the parrot) is more likely to want to try to please you.

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