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You should also consult a qualified electrician, especially if you are going to do actual electrical work (as opposed to answering a test or homework question).

Interpreting the code is not trivial. To add to the problem, answers you get here are based on the standard NEC, but municipalities don't always adopt the code as-is. Many adopt the NEC with ammendments, and these carry the force of law in that jurisdiction.

For instance, suppose you ask "What size wire do I need for a 100 amp service to a mobile-home? Someone here might answer "#4 copper" which is right out of the book. But you live in Podunk, USA, and when they adopted the code, they ammended it to read " 100 amp service conductors for mobile homes shall be no smaller than #2AWG copper" (I just made that up, only as an example). The wiki answerers would almost certainly not know about your local ammendments, but a qualified electrician in your area would. It could save you a bunch of money and a lot of grief to get a pro to check your design to be sure it mets code, and worst-case could save a life.

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